Our Initiatives

Existing Problems

Children belonging to the underprivileged sections of the soceity face various problems such as higher dropout rates, poor health, and lack of employability skills etc.
Research has shown
47 million youth in India drop out of school by the 10th Grade


2 out of 3 children do not have healthy BMI

& Livelihood

Only 2.3% of India’s workforce has undergone any formal skill based training.

Sport is a Solution

Global studies have shown that the inclusion of PE and Sports have led to an increase in the attendance from 89.9% in 2000/01 to 94.2% in 2005/06
Research has shown that 60 minutes of rigorous play time everyday is ideal for a growing child to be healthy and fit
Empowerment & Livelihood
After adopting Sports in their regular routine 7 out of 10 girls have shown improvement in their Social-Emotional Skills

Digital Initiatives

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected our lives, especially the lives of children. The routine of children is tremendously disturbed as they are missing out on their usual physical activities. Keeping this in mind, Sportz Village Foundation has developed a digital physical education program to engage with children during the lockdown.
The digital program was piloted with 24 children from government schools in Tamil Nadu. To evaluate the program’s efficacy, Sportz Village observed key indicators such as engagement levels, frequency of engagement and levels of parental support during the pilot program. Based on these indicators we have arrived at the following insights.

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